/* VIU */ 2024

Posted on Mar 23, 2024



6th edition of the Barcelona annual live coding meeting, April 17 to 20 - 2024


Wednesday April 17th - 19h - Algoalgo

  • Venue: Sala Taro: Carrer de Rossend Arús, 9, 08014 Barcelona, Spain


  • Line-up: Allholy, Maia Francisco, Refugi De Fauna Salvatge, Loopier, Raphaël Bastide, Lil Bleep & Nikilia, Pondskater, TACHA~, Nau, Alice Ahora

Algoalgo is a concert where music generated by algorithms is performed live and sometimes danced, together with visuals also generated on the spot, making the code visible.

Thursday April 18th - 19h - From Scratch


The from scratch technique consists of playing live for 9 minutes starting from an empty screen. In this way, it allows to visualize the high or low level of the  languages (try to play from scratch using, for example, Tidal, SuperCollider or Csound), making transparent the tools (classes, functions, data structures,  etc.) that allow the livecoder to carry out the different musical tasks within the performance. These sessions seek to take advantage of the empty screen restriction and the  9 minutes to explore new possibilities.

Friday April 19th - 19h - Algo Experimental

  • Venue: Concert at Sala Aranyo, UPF (Campus del Poblenou Roc Boronat, 138)


  • Line-up: Niklas Reppel, Tim Cowlishaw & Mercè Jara Muns, Dan Gorelick, Lixt (Rafael Bresciani), Julia Múgica & Iván Paz

Featuring a wide range of live coding possibilities reflected on musical practices as contrasting as the technical tools creating them. Ranging from electrical noise to algorithmic pattern melodies this concert will take us to that space when patch programming and high-level abstractions are used for real-time human-machine interaction using code for performing arts.

Saturday April 20th - 11h to 14h - Collaborative Music Coding in the Web

By Lina Bautista & Timo Hoogland


Learn methodologies to collaboratively code music using one editor in Flok! You will work in duos and focus on communicating and listening while editing each others code. Working together will spark new ideas and you will learn from each others coding style. Lina & Timo will hand out short excercises and give a demonstration at the beginning of each one. We will end the workshop with an open-stage where duos are invited to live code some music in front of the other participants to practice their performance skills in a safe space. Flok is a collaborative coding editor developed by Damián Silvani (a.k.a. Munshkr) that runs in the browser.

Saturday April 20th - 16h to 19h - Meetup

A place to share tools, methodologies and anything related to live coding.

Saturday April 20th - 20:30h - Algorave

  • Venue: Sala Vol: Carrer de Sancho d’Àvila, 78. 08018 Barcelona


  • Line-up: Alfonsofonso, Damage Such, visual_punk_ltd, Xiwire x Shannax, harte echtzeit, Nabìr, Savamala, nervousdata, Gama Reis, Blaž Pavlica, Trblnt & XaniaH, LXT.

Algoraves are events where music generated with algorithms is danced, including the practice of live coding, as well as other approaches to control and perform generative music.