/* VIU */ 2024 - Algoalgo - Artists info

Posted on Mar 23, 2024



Wednesday April 17th - 19h - Algoalgo

  • Venue: Sala Taro: Carrer de Rossend Arús, 9, 08014 Barcelona, Spain


Algoalgo is a concert where music generated by algorithms is performed live and sometimes danced, together with visuals also generated on the spot, making the code visible.


  • Allholy is Panagiota “Penny” Anastasopoulou, a greek musician and PhD student based in Barcelona, composes algorithmic and electroacoustic music. She has a background in musicology with an expertise in music technology. In her research she explores audio retrieval in Freesound and evaluates it in live coding environments. At the same time, she co-founded TOPLAP Athens and is part of the TOPLAP Barcelona community. Her aim is to apply DSP and AI techniques to enhance music creation and audio analysis. Nature, noise, dance. Revealing the hidden conversations. Mine or yours?
  • Maia Francisco is a performer and sound artist based in Barcelona. Her interest is focused on the use of pure sound. She develops her work through the vehicle of improvisation in conjunction with specific usage of electronics. Maia studied art and design at Barcelona’s Escola Massana Centre d’Art i Disseny and studied piano at the city’s Conservatory of Music. She holds a Master in Sonology by the Institute of Sonology at the Koninklijk Conservatorium Den Haag, Nederland. Maia is a member of TopLap-Bcn.
  • Refugi De Fauna Salvatge is an experimental electronics and digital arts project that brings together Ivó Valdivielso aka Les Eines (live sampling and sound with modular synthesizers and sampler), Ramon Casamajó aka QBRNTHSS (sound with code and trumpet) and Joan Queralt aka Savamala (audio-reactive visuals with code). Refugi de Fauna Salvatge offers performances in which computer code, trumpets, folklore samples and analogue weird sounds are processed and mixed together to offer the curious a different and suggestive experience.
  • Loopier is Roger Pibernat, an illustrator and live coder musician with poetic taste. He developed the Superfm synth for TydalCycles, the live coding dialect for SuperCollider Živa and –with Glen Fraser– a playground for live coded animation named Animatron. He is currently an active member of the live coding community in Barcelona.
  • Raphaël Bastide creates convivial instruments, pedagogic strategies, installations, objects, and performances. He develops a particular interest in graphic, algorithmic and sound sequences, through the creation of tools, programs, languages and code-based performances. He lives and works in Montreuil and teaches at Beaux-Arts de Paris and École des Arts Décoratifs de Paris. He will perform algofolk performance with été, a custom-made tool he uses to compose sound and visuals.
  • Lil Bleep & Nikilia aka Wilbert Vogel & Nikilia are a live coding power duo. Nikilia is studying at the KABK in Rotterdam, and Lil Bleep is a Cum-loud graduate from Sint Joost in Den Bosch, The Netherlands. In their love for improvisation, technology and dystopian stories, they found themselves coding together time and time again. Their performance Technofobia presents a common fear of technology: the fear of what will happen if technology becomes sentient. A dystopian live-coded spoken word performance where, for half an hour an eerie feeling will creep up on the beholder. A corrupted computer wants to live as an organic being and create a global network, a hive mind with absolute control. Through visuals and sound the visitor will experience an abstract science fiction story powered by digital poetry, sound and visuals.
  • Pondskater aka Axel Ganz has been experimenting with algorithmic music production techniques and publishing electronic music since 2009. He is cofounder of Toplap Düsseldorf node and organizes livecoding related projects like music concerts and meetups. He also conducts introductory workshops to live coding, robotics, 3d-design and 3d-printing. He will perform Slow Spin Stack, a musical attempt to cross the border between the worlds of club culture and abstraction. Pondskater’s tunes try balancing in between both. Complex but also in some way catchy rhythms are the foundation of an IDM influenced downbeat. Overlapping patterns of acoustic percussion and buzzing synthesizer sounds become entangled in the branches of erratic voices. A musical tightrope walk between club and experiment.
  • TACHA~ is Ámbar Tenorio Fornes, an artist that make noises and glitches using code, and is on a mission to share live coding with all. You can often see them teaching some random stranger how to code a simple rhythm in their phone using strudel, or dancing with the most questionable outfit in queer parties. “There is no fun without noise and stains, and we came here to play!”. Are the patterns governing the music? are the visuals intoxicating the music? Is the noise making the visuals move? All of the above? Everything, everywhere, all at once. This performance explores the feedback loops in the the machine and the live coder delirium when audio and visual noises are improvised by the same animal-mind-machine.
  • Nau is Laura Rodríguez, an artist from TOPLAP Barcelona that explores the creation of music and visuals using live coding.
  • Alice Ahora is Alicia Champlin, an american intermedial artist and researcher based in Barcelona. She is a maker, bio-hacker, bow chime player and live coder, lately focused on breathing.